Automatically Adding Picks to Actors

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Context: HL Kit … Advanced Authoring Concepts 


When a new actor is created, it is a virtually empty container. Exactly one thing is automatically added to each actor. It's the "actor" thing that is automatically created for you by the Kit. Other than that, an actor is empty.

So what about all of the various details that are a fundamental part of every actor? Every actor clearly needs to possess all of the basic attributes for the game system (e.g. strength, intelligence, etc.). In most games, the set of skills is pre-set, so those should be part of each actor, too. Every game system has its own unique set of things that should be a basic part of each actor. However, the Kit has no way of knowing what those particular things are for each game system.

To deal with this, the Kit provides three separate mechanisms for specifying which things should be automatically added to every actor. Each mechanism works slightly differently and is intended for use in different situations. Together, they should make it easy for you to pre-configure every actor with all of the picks that it needs. The topics below describe each of these mechanisms.

Adding Individual Things

Each thing that needs to be automatically added to each actor can be explicitly specified. This is accomplished via the "bootstrap" element within a structural file. This element allows you to specify the unique id of the specific thing to be added.

There are quite a few implications associated the bootstrapping a thing into an actor. If you have not yet done so, now would be an excellent time to familiarize yourself with all the particulars of bootstrapping things into containers.

Adding Groups of Related Things

As mentioned above, each game has groups of things that should all be added to each actor. Attributes, skills, saving throws, and other traits are perfect examples. Adding these things individually would be both tedious and error prone. It would also make it more difficult for others to extend the data files by adding their own custom traits, because they would have to manually add any new things they defined.

As long as a group of things can be readily identified by tags they share in common, you have them all automatically added in a single operation. Since all related traits typically derive from the same component, and since every thing possesses a tag for each component it derives from, this requirement is usually a non-issue.

To specify a group of related things that should be added to every actor, use the "enmasse" element within a structural file. This element allows you to specify a tag expression that will identify the related things to be added.

You can also specify tags that will be automatically assigned to each added pick. While rarely needed, this can be useful when the same thing can be also added to the actor additional times by the user.

Pre-Selecting Things Within Tables and Choosers

The above mechanisms allow you to add things to an actor on a fixed basis. This is perfect for attributes and skills, but it doesn't solve all situations. Throughout the interface you design, there will be various tables and choosers where you'll want to pre-select information for the user. In this situations, the user is free to delete or replace the default selection, but one is still provided.

An obvious example is adding an empty character portrait on the Personal tab, since this visually prompts the user to select a portrait of his choice. Another possible situation is when you want to pre-select the contents of a chooser. For example, in the World of Darkness system, the vast majority of characters start out as standard humans, so it's appropriate to pre-select the characters size and speed traits as those of a human. The user is free to change the choices, but he doesn't have to always select them for each new character.

When you come upon a situation where you want to pre-select a thing into a table or chooser, you can use the "autoadd" element within a structural file. This element allows you to specify both the unique id of the thing to be added and the unique id of the portal it is added to.

Any pick that is automatically added to a portal is solely subject to the behaviors for that portal. As such, the pick may not has any Condition tag expression associated with it. In addition, all auto-tags and conditions (e.g. Secondary and Existence) that are normally dictated by the portal are also applied to the pick.