Basic Vehicles (Savage)

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Context: HL Kit … Authoring Examples … Savage Worlds Walk-Through 


There are two varieties of vehicles defined within the Savage Worlds rulebook. Basic vehicles have all the standard characteristics shared by all vehicles, such as civilian cars. Complex vehicles are outfitted with a variety of weapons that must be handled appropriately and introduce a number of additional wrinkles. So we'll focus on the mechanics associated with basic vehicle in this section.

New Tags

Vehicles behave similarly to weapons and armor within Savage Worlds. As such, we'll be using the same basic approach in implementing them. The first thing we'll need to address is the assortment of tags that will be needed for vehicles. After taking a moment to review how vehicles are handled, there are three different facets of vehicles that we need to keep distinct: the type, the era, and any special characteristics. So we'll create a separate tag group for each of these facets.

We'll start with the vehicle type, of which there are three basic types defined in the core rulebook. These are ground vehicles, aircraft, and boats. Since all of our tags are defined in the file "tags.1st", open that file and locate a suitable spot to insert the new tag group (e.g. after the armor-related tags). We'll make tag group dynamic so that supplements can define new vehicle types, if necessary. We'll use an explicit order, but we'll leave gaps in the ordering so that supplements can insert new vehicle types into the list wherever they want. This yields a tag group definition that looks like the one shown below.

  <value id="Ground" name="Ground Vehicles" order="10"/>
  <value id="Aircraft" order="20"/>
  <value id="Boat" name="Boats & Ships" order="30"/>

Next up is the era of the vehicle, and there are four eras addressed in the core rulebook. These are civilian, WWII military, modern military, and futuristic military. We use the same principles as above, allowing for extensibility, and end up with a tag group similar to the one below.

  <value id="Civilian" order="10"/>
  <value id="WWII" name="WWII Military" order="20"/>
  <value id="Modern" name="Modern Military" order="30"/>
  <value id="Future" name="Futuristic Military" order="40"/>

The final tag group we need to define is all of the various special characteristics that apply to vehicles. We'll handle this exactly like we do for weapons and armor, which yields a tag group that looks like the one below.

  <value id="Amphib" name="Amphibious"/>
  <value id="Spacecraft"/>
  <value id="Atmosphere" name="Atmospheric"/>
  <value id="Tracked"/>
  <value id="4WD" name="Four-Wheel Drive"/>
  <value id="HvyArmor" name="Heavy Armor"/>
  <value id="Sloped" name="Sloped Armor"/>
  <value id="FixedGun" name="Fixed Gun"/>
  <value id="HvyWeapon" name="Heavy Weapon"/>
  <value id="AirBags" name="Air Bags"/>
  <value id="Stealth" name="Stealh Paint"/>
  <value id="AST" name="Advanced Stealth Tech"/>
  <value id="AMCM" name="Anti-Missile Counter Measures"/>
  <value id="Stabilizer" name="Stabilizer"/>
  <value id="ImpStabil" name="Improved Stabilizer"/>
  <value id="NightVis" name="Night Vision"/>
  <value id="Infrared" name="Infrared Night Vision"/>

New Sort Set

Since we have a variety of factors for organizing vehicles, we're going to need a new sort set to put them in the proper sequence for display. We'll use a sequence that parallels the organization in the rulebook, so we'll sort first by the vehicle type, then the era, and finally by name. This yields a sort set similar to the one below, which can be defined with other sort sets in the file "control.1st".

  name="Vehicles By Type, Era, and Name">
  <sortkey isfield="no" id="VehType"/>
  <sortkey isfield="no" id="VehEra"/>
  <sortkey isfield="no" id="_Name_"/>

New Fields for Vehicles

Description Output

Selecting Vehicles Via Gear Tab

Adding Basic Vehicles