Change Script

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Revision as of 21:58, 14 December 2008 by Rob (talk | contribs)
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Context: HL Kit … Kit Reference … Script Types 

Technical Details

Initial Context: Container
Alternate Context: None
Fields Finalized? Yes

The Change script utilizes the following special symbols:

-None- There are no special symbols for the Change script.


-Choosers and menus can define a "change" script

   -Script is invoked any time the contents of a chooser or menu are changed
   -Behaves similarly to a trigger action portal
   -Defined via a "change" element where the PCDATA contains the actual script
   -Script is invoked via UI by calling C_Portal_Select::Change_Trigger
   -Script starts with container context associated with the portal

The Change script is utilized within chooser and menu portals. The purpose of the script is to enact special handling whenever the contents of the portal are changed.

It is rare that you'll need to use this mechanism, because the impact of a selection will usually be handled via Eval scripts during the next evaluation cycle. The key exception to this is when the user is customizing a gizmo within the form for that gizmo. If the influence of the selection is required before the gizmo changes are finally saved, a Change script is needed to apply the necessary effects.

As an example, consider the World of Darkness data files. When a character spends XP during advancement, the XP cost for each advancement varies based on a numerous conditions. The Change script is utilized to properly calculate the XP cost for the selected advancement, which can then be displayed to the user before the advancement is officially added.

When invoked, the Change script starts out with a container as its initial context. This container is the one that the portal is associated with. For example, a chooser portal will reside within a layout, which is within a panel or form. The container associated with the panel or form is the initial context.


The Change script below shows how the calculation of XP cost is performed for the World of Darkness game system. This example is edited down to show the core behaviors, as the real script handles additional factors.

~get the cost of each dot for the ability
var eachdot as number
eachdot = firstchild["Advance.Gizmo"].field[idotcost].value

~determine the tagexpr with which to identify the pick we're interested in
var tagexpr as string
tagexpr = "component.CanAdvance & Advance." & firstchild["Advance.Gizmo"].idstring

~if there is a half-price discount for the ability, incorporate that
if (hero.tagsearch["HalfPrice." & firstchild["Advance.Gizmo"].idstring] > 0) then
  eachdot = eachdot / 2
  eachdot = round(eachdot,0,1)

~if there is a double-cost penalty for the ability, incorporate that
if (hero.tagsearch["DoubleCost." & firstchild["Advance.Gizmo"].idstring] > 0) then
  eachdot *= 2

~get the previous dot level
current = hero.firstchild[tagexpr].field[iprevlevel].value

~get the current dot level
nextlevel = hero.firstchild[tagexpr].field[ilevel].value

~determine the XP cost to improve to the next dot level
var xp as number
var dotcount as number
var dotcost as number
dotcount = nextlevel
call dotcost
xp = dotcost
dotcount = current
call dotcost
xp -= dotcost
xp = xp * eachdot

~save out the calculated XP cost
child[advDetails].field[ixpcalc].value = xp
child[advDetails].field[inewdots].value = nextlevel