Statblock Output (Savage)
Context: HL Kit … Authoring Examples … Savage Worlds Walk-Through
Most game systems have a standard format for presenting a character in a relatively compact, text-only format. The more commonly used term for this format is a "statblock". You'll find NPCs and monsters generally presented using this format within the various rulebooks. Savage Worlds has such a format, so we'll now make sure that we generate the appropriate output.
The Game Plan
The statblock format we'll use for Savage Worlds can be found in the Bestiary section of the core rulebook. It's a simple text format that makes use of bold text for important names. While most creatures in the Bestiary don't possess any gear, there are a few that do. We'll be using the way those entries are formatted as a guideline for how we should be synthesizing our statblock output.
All statblock output is generated via a Synthesize script within a "dossier" element. We're going to start with the statblock that is provided by the Skeleton data files. This starting point can be readily adapted for our purposes with Savage Worlds. It can be found within the file "out_statblock.dat", which also includes a number of procedures that are called directly from the Synthesize script.