Creature Refinement (Savage)
From HLKitWiki
Context: HL Kit … Authoring Examples … Savage Worlds Walk-Through
We've now got the ability to define and customize creatures in place. However, there are still a fair number of tasks we need to complete before creatures are fully handled. The sections below address these remaining issues.
Managing Abilities
- race-specific abilities
- creature-specific abilities
- shared abilities with races
- separate file to hold all of the general/shared abilities
- default abilities that can be added to any creature
- identifying the abilities distinctly from other abilities via tag
Defining Complete Creatures
- walk-through of three different creatures
New Abilities Tab
- allow user to specify facets of dynamic abilities that are needed (value/text)
- User.NeedText and User.NeedValue tags
Cleanup the Interface
- Resource Revisions
- Basics Tab
- Skills Tabs
Validation Rules
- new validation rule for creature type
- need ContainerReq tests for race and creature validation things
Output Revisions
- show "creature type" instead of Race within character sheet
- same for statblock output
Custom Creatures
- define a "custom" creature that allows the author to create whatever he wants
- define a "custom" ability that allows the author to annotate the behaviors without actually creating a new ability in the Editor
- just like custom containers