Structure Element (Data)

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Context: HL Kit … Kit Reference … Definition File Reference 

Every game system will have an assortment of structural details that must be specified, and these are all grouped together within a "structure" element. The complete list of attributes for a structure element is below.

folder Text – Name to be used for the folder in which all data files for this game system are placed. The name may consist only of alphanumeric characters (i.e. letters and digits), with no spaces or punctuation other than "_" and "-" allowed. When a user imports data files, this folder is where the data files are installed by default. Maximum length is 25 characters.

WARNING! The folder name has critical implications and must be chosen carefully.

editwidth (Optional) Integer – Specifies the fixed width to use for all edit (i.e. tab-based) panels within HL. The value is given in units of pixels. Default: "500".
summarymin (Optional) Integer – Specifies the minimum width that will be allowed for all summary panels within HL. The value is given in units of pixels. Default: "135".
summarymax (Optional) Integer – Specifies the maximum width that will be allowed for all summary panels within HL. The value is given in units of pixels. Default: "165".
heroterm (Optional) Text – Name to be used when referring to a hero for this game system. Maximum length is 25 characters. Default: "hero".
thingterm (Optional) Text – Name to be used when referring to a thing for this game system. Maximum length is 25 characters. Default: "thing".
entityterm (Optional) Text – Name to be used when referring to an entity for this game system. Maximum length is 25 characters. Default: "entity".
combatturnterm (Optional) Text – Name to be used when referring to a combat turn for this game system. Maximum length is 25 characters. Default: "turn".

The "structure" element also possesses child elements that describe additional facets of the game system. The list of child elements for a structure element is below. Click on the link to access the details for each element.

datetime Zero or more "datetime" elements may appear as defined by the given link. This element dictates the structure of dates and times for the game system. By default, the date and time structures for gamespace are assumed to be those used in realspace.

The "datetime" Element

The "datetime" element defines the composition of dates and times within the game system. The sequence in which the datetime elements are defined dictates the composition used within HL. The complete list of attributes for a datetime element is below.

name Text – Name to be used for the component of the date or time. Maximum length is 20 characters.
digits Integer – Specifies the number of digits used to specify the date/time component.
istime Boolean – Indicates whether this is a component of the game system's time or date.


The following example demonstrates what a "structure" element might look like. All default values are assumed for optional attributes. Within this example, the composition of a game date is defined as if it were a date in realspace.

  <datetime name="month" digits="2"/>
  <datetime name="day" digits="2"/>
  <datetime name="year" digits="4"/>